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Off of Socials

I’m off of social media for the season of Lent… and maybe beyond, who knows!?! Between the heaviness of the world news and trying to buy a house in the DFW during a crazy sellers market, which they should consider adding to the X-Games, by the way, I just needed a break.

I need to spend more time with God, reading books, painting ornaments, focusing on school, growing things, holding kitty babies, enjoying my people and just BEING.

Here are a few things I want to remember during this season of refocusing.

This sweet girl, our middle babe, turns 23 today. And she recently got her hair MAJOR cut and I love it so.

I adore the way Reba adores this man of ours.... I would say "man of mine" but I know the pecking order around here.

Beautiful drives to Louisiana to visit my Mama for a couple of days. And a rainy drive home.

The shape of Blu's face in profile, my own personal Luck Dragon.

Saturday mornings spent volunteering at the Community Garden Kitchen garden in McKinney. They will soon be serving people in our community warm, healthy dinners.

Tiny baby asparagus coming up at the Community Garden Kitchen.

Sam's sweet smile as me and Mama visit on her patio. Sam had a rough couple of weeks and it did my heart good to love on this precious girl.

Proving I am definitely my Papaw's granddaughter... I have taken up worm farming. Or vermicomposting, actually. I will add the castings to my plants. When we were little Papaw Combs added "Worm Farmer" to his resume by adding a hoop house with worm beds and sold his worms to local stores for bait. He'd put us to work sorting and packaging with a wheelbarrow full of worms, styrofoam containers with lids and bags of moss.

And tiny baby kitties who follow you around the evening after they got shots to make sure you know they are not pleased and feel pretty crummy. Bless it.

I hope you all are doing well in your little corner of the world. Be sure to take some time to just..... be.

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