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Doing the Next Right Thing

I shared this image on my Facebook on this same day of the month in 2014. And today devotional mentioned this quote by C.S. Lewis, "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." I am noticing a theme here, you?

I am in a season of change. I was just thinking last night if you had told me this time last year, mid pandemic and lock downs and toilet paper shortages, that I would be pursuing a degree in Agriculture, having back ground checks run for volunteering at a community kitchen in my county and trying (and by trying I mean it's more like pounding my head against a wall) to answer some essay question about myself... Why is it so hard to write about yourself? I say as I sit here blogging... irony, right? Anyway, if you had told me this is where I would be in March of 2021 I would have given you the ol' side eye.

But here I am, doing the thang! Whatever it is.

You see, I am not even exactly sure to what extent I will use this degree or where it will lead me. I know I love what I am learning and that I am passionate about it. But I have a habit of thinking too small, and as we all know God's plans are generally much different than what we had planned for ourselves. And I don't know about y'all but try as I might, when my plans don't line up with His plans.... well He always wins that one, right? So I am trying something new to me.... I am going into this without much of a plan at all. I know He has lead me here and I know He will lead me where I am supposed to go from here. I don't know much more than what classes I will take in the coming semesters, service opportunities this course work has introduced to me and how I plan to get involved in those.

I recently did a Bible study, Jennifer Rothschild's Take Courage, and I triple underlined this quote, "Consider your ways and prioritize your days. Do the next right thing." That is exactly how I am living at the moment, just trying to do the next right thing. Some of it is simple, things that come natural to me and others are things I need a big whopping dose of courage to take on. Taking things one step at a time, concentrating only on doing that next right thing.

Wherever you find yourself today I pray courage for you. You don't have to try to control the plan, have all the answers or figure it all out. Just do the next right thing. Let's give Him more room to work.

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