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2020: Chaos & Calm

As I sit snuggled up typing, the lights of the Christmas tree reflecting off of the flooring front of me, I cannot help but feel overwhelmingly grateful. Nearing Christmas is always such a reflective time and I know I have been really quiet about some things going on behind the scenes in our lives. It seemed so trivial in light of everything else happening in the world but without sharing it, I can't convey to you what a major blessing you have been in our lives these last few months.

If you've been following me for a while you will know that our family uprooted and moved from Louisiana to Texas three years ago. Forgoing all the nasty details I will just say the move was rather sudden and certainly not in our “plan” but we felt God leading us and the job would enable my husband to continue to work a few more years in a field he LOVED until he qualified for retirement. So in 2017 we sold our house and up and moved away from family, friends, martial arts students, church, and community to start on this new adventure in Texas! And what an adventure it has been. My husband thrived and loved his job, working up to compete for top recruiter in the state last year! Our son went from a small rural school with a class of about 45 kids, to a HUGE high school here where his class size is roughly 1700 kids. That makes my eyes bulge and heart race just to think of that transition but he did it, and has acclimated so well. One daughter started college out here and will soon begin her junior year. And our oldest daughter was hired on as a 911 dispatcher for a major city in the DFW area. Everyone was settled and doing their thing.

Enter 2020! And just as suddenly as before we learned, just two and half years from retirement, that his employment here in Texas was coming to an end. WHAT. Is this even real life? Yep. It most certainly is.

In the midst of a pandemic, with everyone trying to avoid public interactions, my husband, the major earner of our family, finds himself out of a job. This brought on a million questions… What do we do now? Are we staying? Should we move back to Louisiana? Does he want to stay in the military? A new branch? It's been 18 years since he was employed as a civilian, what did he want to do? What am I going to do? Will I be able to continue painting or should I get a retail job to get us through the holidays?

So many people are dealing with loss of jobs, loss of family and loved ones… perspective is EVERYTHING. We are very aware that this is just one small example of 2020 chaos and we are thankful for our blessings and our health.

Gary has exhibited the most amazing sense of certainty and peace that this is God's plan for us. It literally has radiated off of him and helped keep me calm and focused as well. Doesn't matter that I was DETERMINED that His plan involved us loading ALL THESE ANIMALS up like the Clampetts and traipsing our rural living selves to the DALLAS area and resettling for the duration so Gary could work out his remaining few years until he retired.

Nope. The "load up like the Clampetts" well, that part was correct and he did work a solid and rewarding two years or so out here.

But as a I read not too long ago, "Rejection is God redirecting." So we are following where He leads. Gary hasn't worked a stable full time job in months. He has, however, been able to work with his Uncle in Louisiana and on several occasions for a security company owned by a friend and mentor of his, post hurricanes in Louisiana. (note, for Future Amy, 2020 had a crazy active hurricane season) God provided these jobs as a means to keep us afloat while we waited in the hallway for Him to show us the next door He wanted us to open. We have been humbled and ever so grateful for His provision.

Speaking of provision… YOU GUYS!! You have provided for us mightily through this season! Your loyalty to my art and my brand has provided a means to pay bills, buy some groceries and the means for us to be able to celebrate Christmas as we normally would, including gifts to charities and showing love to our community. With each incoming order, as I set hovered over our dining table painting, I could literally feel the reassuring hand of God at my shoulder, showing me to not be afraid, He was providing and had given us the means to earn and provide for ourselves. That He, NOT the military, is our ULTIMATE provider and that I needed to just focus, paint and rest in the knowledge that everything is going to be ok.

You may just feel like you were buying a cute ornament for a friend but you were doing so, so much more than that and I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

So, what now?

Well, I will continue to paint. I am already lining up orders for after Christmas. But I have also applied to college and will begin classes in January. It’s really hard for me to talk about that, to type it, as I’ve started college three times over the years but it never worked out. The timing was always off. But I feel certain it is time and that I have found a program that I am genuinely excited about. Please say some prayers for me… the pandemic, my hearing loss and being over 40 going back to school. WHEW!!

I appreciate your love and support, each single order, share or kind word has helped us along this year and I pray that the paintings I’ve made for you have touched your heart or the hearts of those you have given them too. I pray over your families and loved ones as I paint, your struggles, losses, accomplishments.... I am so honored to paint small bits of your stories.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.

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